2008 Candidate News

Candidate News focus Hillary:

Here is an aggregation of stories on the candidates from a variety of sources arranged in order of web posting, most recent to oldest. News from papers to blogs, no need to type in URL after URL, they are here. CLICK READ MORE in the bottom of the box for all of stories, you can go back for days with ease. CLICK READ MORE, some political news mentions candidates once so they appear, page READ MORE a few times and net the candidate news till you see stories you saw before and you are caught up:

Sources include:

ABC News: Politics
"NYT > Hillary Rodham
PewForum.org Religi
Politico.com: Politic...
Politics: CBSNews.com
Vote 2008 Hillary C...
Vote 2008 NewsHour .
washingtonpost.com - ..
Yahoo! News: Democrat..
Yahoo! News: Politics

(additions and deletions and modifications are on going)

just ask.....